Columbus Ranks #22 on List of Best Large Cities for Jobs in 2012 has compiled their annual listing of best American cities for jobs, and Columbus ranks in 22nd place on the list of large cities, down 3 spots from last year’s ranking. The scoring system used in the study has a methodology that weighs employment growth trends both long term and short term from data collected from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.


    Other regional and competitive cities on the list include Austin (#1), Pittsburgh (#8), Charlotte (#19), Portland (#28), Indianapolis (#32), Chicago (#48), Cincinnati (#40) and Cleveland (#61).

    More information about the rankings and what it all means can be found at



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    Walker Evans
    Walker Evans
    Walker Evans is the co-founder of Columbus Underground, along with his wife and business partner Anne Evans. Walker has turned local media into a full time career over the past decade and serves on multiple boards and committees throughout the community.